Monday, May 15, 2017

Begin With the End in Mind

When I first started UTHSC's occupational therapy program in January, I was nervous/excited/scared all at the same time. I was ready to be here, but terrified of getting swallowed up by the monster that is Gross Anatomy. During those 10 weeks, I thought, "Man, this is never going to end!". I was fascinated to learn about the human body, but I couldn't wait to get into the more in-depth OT classes. Many nights I would cry, stress, worry, and just feel overwhelmed because I thought, "If this anatomy class is any indication of how my time in OT school is going to be, I don't know if I deserve to be here. This is REALLY hard."

Luckily, Gross Anatomy ended and life was a breeze after that. 

I was so caught up in how I felt about that one class and how my performance would affect me that I forgot the reason why I am here in the first place - because I love to help people and I want them to be happy and successful. It's hard to think about that when you and 4 other people are standing over a cadaver 3 days a week, poking, prodding, and dissecting every ounce of tissue you can find. But sometimes I have to take a step back and look at the bigger picture. I am here for a REASON. 

I'm sure I will have more challenging classes as my time in school passes, but I am up for the challenge. I am choosing to start every day now by beginning with the end in mind. 

At the end of this journey of OT school, I will have a degree, pass my boards (fingers crossed), and work in a job that's not just a job, but a career that I can do for the rest of my life. So the next time I get stressed about a test grade, project, or paper and tight deadlines, I am going to remember my purpose for being here, and enjoy the ride along the way.

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